Friday, August 5, 2011

I think..

I think I'm going about this fitness regime the wrong way. I'm trying to tackle so many areas of the body at once and I'm getting so overwhelmed and frustrated that I can't get everything done at once. I do a workout in the morning and then *try* and run in the afternoon. I think I should try focusing on one portion of the body and branch out to the other portions that I would like to tackle. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here!)

Soo... I'm going to focus on cardio and my bottom half for the next couple of weeks. I'll still workout with weights and do some ab exercises ever other day just to get those muscles moving as well.

I'll actually RUN on the treadmill in the mornings and then do my workouts with my friends afterwards. I netflixed Jillian Michael's Backside for Beginners and I'm excited to try that out!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day Seven! (One week!)

It's been a week since I started and here are a few things that I've noted that I need to fix:
1)I need to up the mph on the treadmill. 4mph isn't doing it.
2)I lowered the pounds on my hand wieghts when I workout. 5 to 3lbs. My shoulders HURT and not in a good way. More reps with a smaller weight is more effective then less reps with a heavier weight (to tone).
3)I took measurements of my body since I'm not trying to lost pounds - just trying to tone. I was thinking about taking before and after pics, but I would never post them so I didn't see a point. Maybe I will just for me. Ehh.. we'll see.

This morning Becky, Heidi, Ali, and Mary worked out to Jackie Warner again. This is definitely a must have DVD for you to use at home. Especially for those of you that have kids and can only spare 30 min!

I didn't run on the treadmill though. Mooootivatioooon. The kids were SUUUUPER high-maintence today, so after I put them to bed and crawled up on the couch with a few oreos and a tall glass of milk and piddled around on pinterest (another addiction..). I'm actually going to go to bed now. 9:45p is the earliest I've gone to bed in MONTHS! <--- something else that needs to change if I want to get back into shape.
Good sleep=a well rested body and mind!
(I organized my menus for this week and mostly ever dish is HEALTHY. I'll share that with you tomorrow.)
Nighty Night!

Day umm.. oh crud.

Wow. Look at me... all NOT blogging. I need to do a quick catch-up.

Friday I worked out with Becky and Ali. We did Denise Austin's Pilaties for Every Body. This is a great DVD for working out if you don't want to jump all over the place. *You will still get your butt kicked.* I'm always sore after this one too. It does require a chair and an elastic band.. thingy. I love this lady to death, but she talks during the WHOLE thing NON-STOP, but I guess that's why volume control was invented. ;)

I hopped on the treadmill later on that day for 30 min. 4mph isn't really doing much anymore. I didn't get sweaty or out of breath at all. I just need to push it a little more and actually JOG.

Saturday and Sunday I did NOTHING. <---- not cool.

Weekends are hard. They're full of cleaning, grocery shopping, and getting ready for the Sabbath. I guess i could've squeezed in a 10-20 min workout, but I didn't really try. <--again, not cool!

SO, here we are at the beginning of a new week. I found a few new workout buddies that will be joining us this week. YEAH! I'm excited to get back in the game.

Oh oh oh!! My friend Catharine gave me a few good and HEALTHY recipes to try. I'll share them with you once I've made them.
