Friday, August 5, 2011

I think..

I think I'm going about this fitness regime the wrong way. I'm trying to tackle so many areas of the body at once and I'm getting so overwhelmed and frustrated that I can't get everything done at once. I do a workout in the morning and then *try* and run in the afternoon. I think I should try focusing on one portion of the body and branch out to the other portions that I would like to tackle. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here!)

Soo... I'm going to focus on cardio and my bottom half for the next couple of weeks. I'll still workout with weights and do some ab exercises ever other day just to get those muscles moving as well.

I'll actually RUN on the treadmill in the mornings and then do my workouts with my friends afterwards. I netflixed Jillian Michael's Backside for Beginners and I'm excited to try that out!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day Seven! (One week!)

It's been a week since I started and here are a few things that I've noted that I need to fix:
1)I need to up the mph on the treadmill. 4mph isn't doing it.
2)I lowered the pounds on my hand wieghts when I workout. 5 to 3lbs. My shoulders HURT and not in a good way. More reps with a smaller weight is more effective then less reps with a heavier weight (to tone).
3)I took measurements of my body since I'm not trying to lost pounds - just trying to tone. I was thinking about taking before and after pics, but I would never post them so I didn't see a point. Maybe I will just for me. Ehh.. we'll see.

This morning Becky, Heidi, Ali, and Mary worked out to Jackie Warner again. This is definitely a must have DVD for you to use at home. Especially for those of you that have kids and can only spare 30 min!

I didn't run on the treadmill though. Mooootivatioooon. The kids were SUUUUPER high-maintence today, so after I put them to bed and crawled up on the couch with a few oreos and a tall glass of milk and piddled around on pinterest (another addiction..). I'm actually going to go to bed now. 9:45p is the earliest I've gone to bed in MONTHS! <--- something else that needs to change if I want to get back into shape.
Good sleep=a well rested body and mind!
(I organized my menus for this week and mostly ever dish is HEALTHY. I'll share that with you tomorrow.)
Nighty Night!

Day umm.. oh crud.

Wow. Look at me... all NOT blogging. I need to do a quick catch-up.

Friday I worked out with Becky and Ali. We did Denise Austin's Pilaties for Every Body. This is a great DVD for working out if you don't want to jump all over the place. *You will still get your butt kicked.* I'm always sore after this one too. It does require a chair and an elastic band.. thingy. I love this lady to death, but she talks during the WHOLE thing NON-STOP, but I guess that's why volume control was invented. ;)

I hopped on the treadmill later on that day for 30 min. 4mph isn't really doing much anymore. I didn't get sweaty or out of breath at all. I just need to push it a little more and actually JOG.

Saturday and Sunday I did NOTHING. <---- not cool.

Weekends are hard. They're full of cleaning, grocery shopping, and getting ready for the Sabbath. I guess i could've squeezed in a 10-20 min workout, but I didn't really try. <--again, not cool!

SO, here we are at the beginning of a new week. I found a few new workout buddies that will be joining us this week. YEAH! I'm excited to get back in the game.

Oh oh oh!! My friend Catharine gave me a few good and HEALTHY recipes to try. I'll share them with you once I've made them.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day Four!

I don't know.. I wasn't feeling it today. No motivation.

Becky, Heidi, and I worked out to Jilian Michaels's 'No Trouble Zones' this morning. It's actually one of my top favorite DVDs EVER. I love how she targets each portion of the body and I'm always sore after it's over.

I also did some time on the treadmill. I had to talk myself into getting on it. I hope I'm not burning out already!!

Today's Workout:
No More Trouble Zones - 50min
Treadmill - 4mph, 42 min, 2.75 miles

Oh! I forgot to add that I ate really good today! A small bowl of multi-grain cheerios w/ a banana for breakfast, and a grilled egg,ham,cheese sandwich (ehh.. maybe the cheese part wasn't all that healthy), and chicken, veggies, and rice for dinner. I also snacked on sweet peas and baby carrots and drank lots of water. Go me!

What's your favorite healthy snack food??

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day Three!

My friend, Becky, and I worked out at the church this morning. (Jack didn't fall off the stage this time..)
We did "Ramp It Up!" from the Slim in 6 collection:

It was 48 minutes long. I LOOOOOVE the last 20 minutes of Ramp It Up. Sometimes if I want a quick butt/thigh/abs workout I'll just fast foward it to the last 20 minutes. Loove!
I also had my 60 minutes on the treadmill. I powered through the first 45 min before my legs started getting super tired, but my hips didn't hurt at all. Score!

Today's Workout:
Ramp It Up! (48 min)
Treadmill - 4mph/4miles/60min

Um... I also made these today:
I need help...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day Two!

I'm on a roll!

This morning I packed up the kiddos and we headed to church to work out with our friends.. who never showed up!! <----rude. I didn't want to go home disappointed so I worked out all by my lonesome.

:(     <----- sad face.

I cracked out my Jackie Warner DVD:

I whine a lot when I workout with her. My shoulders hurt... my thighs hurt.. everything hurts..

I did have to take a 5 min break to console a crying baby. Poor Jack-Attack figured out how to climb on the stage.. and fell off. Shame on me for not watching him closer!!

*note to self.. move all chairs away from stage!!*

After we regrouped at home, I picked up a different friend of mine and we went to the zoo again. We only stayed for a hour and didn't really walk around much. We stayed long enough for my friend to fill out her employment papers. We just played at the kidz zone.

I ate McDonald's after that.. probably not very nutritional.. it was GRILLED chicken though!! There was green stuff on it!! ...and mayo.. dripping from my chin..

*note to self.. find nutritional lunches that are full of fiber, protein, and other good stuff!*

After lunch I put Jack down for a nap, turned a movie on for the the other two, and hopped on the treadmill again. Same as last time: 4mph. I did great until I hit 30min. My legs were tired and my hips were burning again. I sucked it up for 15 more minutes then lowered the mph to 3ph and did a 5 minute cool down. I didn't reach the whole 60 minute today, but I did workout this morning as well so I won't beat myself up about a whole 10 min.

I did some research on google while I was on the treadmill. I googled "exercises for hip pain" and "how to strengthen hip muscles" and found this link:  Exercises For Hip Pain . A few interesting facts: "Building strength and increasing flexibility are two ways to reduce hip pain. Strengthening the muscles around the hip helps support the joint and puts less stress on the hip." They also give a few examples of some exercises that help strengthen the hip muscles like squats, butt thrusts, hamstring squeeze, etc. They also said to never give up! It's pretty informative. I need to google "how to stretch the hip muscle".. or youtube it.

I'm babbling...

Today's Workout:
30 min of Jackie Warner - Xtremer Timesaver Training
45min brisk walking on treadmill: 4mph/level 3 incline - 5min (3mph) cool down. Total: 50min
lots of stretching as well!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day UNO!

Soooo.. I did wake up early-ish.


(I'm pathetic.)

I didn't get to run this morning, BUT it was for a good reason. A friend of mine contacted me late last night and asked if I could watch her kiddos around 7:30AM. No prob!!

The kiddos and I (and a friend) walked around the zoo for a few hours this morning. When we got home, Jack took his nap and the kiddos crashed on the couch and watched a movie while I got on the treadmill. Ohh yeee-uhh! I was distracted with Facebook and Pinterest for the first 45 min. (That's talent right there ----> treadmill and on the laptop!) Then my hips started to BUUURN, (it has something to do with my hips almost seperating when I was preggo with Jack), BUT i sucked it up and finished the last 15 minutes.

Today's Workout:
3 hours of leisurely walking...and standing.. :)
60 minutes on the treadmill. Level 3 incline. 4mph. 4 miles.  (cooldown is 3mph)

*I'm not too worried about speed at the moment. Once I build up some endurance then I'll work on how fast I'm going.*
Something that I REALLY need to work on: NUTRITION!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Here We GoooooOoo!

A friend of mine had an awesome idea of starting a fitness blog. She could care less if people read it or not, but just writing everything down makes a HUGE difference. I completly agree! So here I go:

To catch you (or myself) up:
18 months ago, Jack was born. (My third child.) I weighed 156lbs full-term. When Jack was 4 months old I weighed myself for the first time post-pardum and I weighed 152lbs.

A whole 4 pounds less.

I was a tad bit depressed since the weight with Heath and Tori just "fell off" in a matter of months.
I started cutting down on food and made better food choices. Less beef and pork and more chicken, turkey, and fish. I ate more nuts, fruits, and veggies as well. Oh, and I drank LOTS of water. (I was nursing Jack at the time.)

My most important change: I found workout buddies!!

A few friends from church and I started meeting together every morning, M-F. Everyone brought their favorite workout DVD (i'll give you a list below) and we would pick a different each morning. (We also brought toys and games for our kiddos to play while we all worked out. FREE child care!)

Eight months later I dropped 31 lbs and weighed 125lbs <---- my goal weight! Whoo hoo!

I weigh 135lbs. I lost my motivation. I think it's because I reached my goal weight and figured I didn't need to workout or watch what I eat anymore. Oh i was wrong!

To get toned. I don't want to look "thin". I want to look "toned".
I would like to lose the 5-10lbs on my lower half *cough cough* WITHOUT gaining muscle.
I did a little research and found that the best way to do this is to run long distance on a LOW incline.
The little "problem" I have is running long distance with 3 kids! I do have a treadmill though, which means I need to wake my lazy-NON-morning-person butt up early in the morning and spend some time on the treadmill before the kiddos wake up.


^^^This alone is going to be the HARDEST "roadblock" to get by. I have never been a morning person. (I'm a huge hypocrite.. i wake my kids up during the week to get the day going. I don't let them sleep in. Ruuude!)
I need to find tips on how to wake up with a happy disposition. Any suggestions would be nice!!

My goal this week:
Wake up early (suuuuuck) and run for 45-60 min.
Do my regular exercise at the church every morning. (Even a 10-15min routine if the kiddos don't allow a longer one.)
Ready, set, GOOOOO!!!
Ok, here's the list of workout DVDS that we've used:

Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred  (A perfect one to start out with after having a baby!)
Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zone (My FAVORITE Jillian Michaels DVD. It's an awesome full body workout!!)
Jillian Michaels: 6 Week - 6 Pack (Love the ab workout!)
Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism (Another keeper! My second favorite Jillian Michaels DVD! If i remember correctly, you don't use hand wieghts with this one.)

Bob Harper: Pure Burn Super Strength (this one is tough, but worth it!)
Bob Harper: Biggest Loser Boot Camp (a moderate workout)

Slim in 6: Burn It Up, Ramp It Up, etc. (Another one of my favs!!)

Jackie Warner: Xtreme Timesaver Training ( L.O.V.E. this one. It's only 30 min long, but it is HARD CORE!)
Jackie Warner: Power Circuit Training (I'm a huge fan of circuit training.You conquer every portion of your body from a variety of angles.)

INSANITY (My all time favorite AND my least favorite. This one doesn't mess around. You don't need weights or any other equipment. It's just you moving around. You will definitely sweat with this one!)

P90X (I've heard huuge raves for this one. I do have to admit that I like it too, BUT i just don't have the time. Each DVD conquers a certain portion of your body and each DVD is approx an hour long. You'll need a variety of equipment: pull-up bar, hand weights, elastic band, yoga blocks, a chair, etc. Maybe I'll go back to it once all the kiddos are in school.)


I'm going to keep a daily log of my workouts and thoughts. This is more for me then you readers, but I hope that you get something out of it. Have fun working out and keep me posted on your progress too!!