Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day Four!

I don't know.. I wasn't feeling it today. No motivation.

Becky, Heidi, and I worked out to Jilian Michaels's 'No Trouble Zones' this morning. It's actually one of my top favorite DVDs EVER. I love how she targets each portion of the body and I'm always sore after it's over.

I also did some time on the treadmill. I had to talk myself into getting on it. I hope I'm not burning out already!!

Today's Workout:
No More Trouble Zones - 50min
Treadmill - 4mph, 42 min, 2.75 miles

Oh! I forgot to add that I ate really good today! A small bowl of multi-grain cheerios w/ a banana for breakfast, and a grilled egg,ham,cheese sandwich (ehh.. maybe the cheese part wasn't all that healthy), and chicken, veggies, and rice for dinner. I also snacked on sweet peas and baby carrots and drank lots of water. Go me!

What's your favorite healthy snack food??

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so great! Seriously! Good workouts, and totally holding yourself accountable! You'll be totally ripped in no time!!!
